Cara Craig

How did you decide to go into the education field? 

I wanted to open up possibilities for students that learn differently or come from challenging backgrounds. 

How has school funding made a difference in your classroom? 

With Head Start, funding is everything.  


What resources and supports can further benefit your classroom/school/community? 

Having knowledge and access to resources is essential to my job. Of course we could always put more money to good use, but it is also important to remember to reach out to other programs and piece together a program that works for each family. 


Who/What inspires you? Why? 

I love being a member of the EAC and Teach Plus. Speaking with other professionals that are doing the impactful work of teaching and policy change is inspiring to me. The opportunity to interact with speakers like Terrence is also uplifting. The idea that my voice matters and learning how to use it is new to me. I find it inspiring, empowering, and a huge responsibility. 


What accomplishment fills you with pride so far this year? 

I have become connected with my State Senator Natalie Toro and have been in discussion groups with the head of ICCRRA. I have learned about student teaching pathways for early childhood (EC) educators and feel comfortable speaking with these and other important people about them. 


If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share? 

Speak up! Your lived story is important; and pull the stories of those who weren't invited into the room with you. 


What is your favorite movie/book? 

“Braiding Sweetgrass” - Robin Wall Kimmerer 



Michelle Zurita-Sharpe 


Breana Calloway