Bob Chikos

How did you decide to go into the education field? 

I took an amazing P.E. class in high school that integrated students both with and without disabilities. While I did not earn a degree in education, my first job out of college was at a facility for adults with disabilities. I loved working with the population, but it was extremely difficult to provide for my family on a nonprofit salary. It was difficult trying to find a program with classes after my work hours close to me and I fretted over quitting my job to student teach. I had a perfect alignment of supportive family members and co-workers who helped me achieve my dream. 


How has school funding made a difference in your classroom? 

It's difficult for me to see in my classroom, but I've looked at the dashboard and I've learned that we are inching closer to full funding.


What resources and supports can further benefit your classroom/school/community? 

Some of our programs are stretched thin. I see social workers, nurses, special education teachers, and many others going above and beyond to meet the needs of our students. Having more help in these key areas would have a massive benefit on our community.  


Who/What inspires you? Why? 

I had a challenging time to become a teacher and I feel there are many people who would make great teachers. 


What accomplishment fills you with pride so far this year? 

It's hard to narrow it down to just one. I was thrilled to serve on the Advisory Group for the Teacher Pipeline report - it was a data nerd's dream come true! 

After years of struggle, my speech team is finally a decent-sized group and we're reaping success. 
Finally, last week a colleague approached me and said that a student told her I'm his favorite teacher because, "he doesn't make me feel dumb." That meant so much to me that a struggling student finally sees himself the way I do - as someone with limitless potential. 


If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share? 

One of my favorite bits of wisdom is, "Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still." It's important to not judge yourself to others, and to understand that your pace may be slow, but it is important to always move forward. 


What is your favorite movie/book? 

I love Rocky for the fact that he lost the fight. He had a different standard of success than Apollo Creed. For Rocky, just getting to the end of the fight was his championship.  This applies to life in general. If I give it my all, I may not win but I can live with the result. 



Teresa Eden


Precious Allen